Daily Search Forum Recap: August 30, 2010

Aug 30, 2010 - 4:00 pm 0 by

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.

Search Engine Roundtable Stories:

  • Google Says Using Google Translate Can Be Against Google's Webmaster Guidelines
    I spotted an interesting comment from Google's JohnMu at the Google Webmaster Help forums. John said that in some cases, using Google Translate to auto-translate content for your web site might be seen as "creating auto-generated content, which would be against our Webmaster Guidelines." I believe this is the first time I have seen a Googler say this, at least in response to using Google Translate to translate your content. Maybe John is saying this
  • Evolve Your Long Tail SEO Strategy: Exact Fails
    Long tail keywords were the bread and butter of many SEOs. The MayDay update did have a major impact on that for many web sites. But why? A new WebmasterWorld thread has discussion around how SEOs and webmasters no longer target the long tail as they did in the past. Tedster explained that if you are targeting a specific long phrase, using it in your title tag with those exact words, in the exact order,
  • Possible Google MayDay Algorithm Tweak?
    A WebmasterWorld thread has a few, not many, webmasters and SEOs talking about a possible tweak to the MayDay algorithm tweak. For those of you who do not know what MayDay is, it was a pretty significant ranking algorithm change that took place around the same time Google pushed through their index update, named Caffeine. You can learn a bit more about MayDay over here. Some webmasters and SEOs are suggesting there was a tweak
  • Google AdWords Fixes Month Logo Google Certification Program Logo Problem
    Over a month ago, we reported that the Google certified AdWords professional logos were not working. Those who passed the test between July 22nd and July 30th were given a logo that was not functioning properly. When you clicked on the logo the landing page sent you to a "Profile Unavailable" page that went on to read, "The profile of this Individual is not currently available, either because they are not currently qualified, they have
  • Mary Shelley : The Google Doodle
    Today, if you go to many international versions of Google, you will see a special Google logo/doodle for Mary Shelley. Mary Shelley's 213th birthday is today and Google want's people who don't know about her to know about her, at least in places outside of the US. Here is a copy of the Google logo: Very very abstract, but if you read her bio on Wikipedia, it may make sense. British novelist, short story writer,
  • Google AdSense Ad Links, Little But Powerful
    Google offers many AdSense ad units, but one that may not get as much attention as the others are ad links. Ad links were introduced in March 2005 and never really get too much credit from advertisers. Ad links, also know as the link unit, can be in vertical or horizontal format. Here are two live ads that show some of the many formats: A WebmasterWorld thread has several AdSense publishers praising these units. One
  • Video Recap of Weekly Search Buzz :: August 27, 2010
    In this week's recap, I kind of give it to Yahoo. They say I am "irresponsible" for saying they are not a search company when their own CEO said that?! Google's brand search change is out of hand and then they do steaming search results, that's whack! Google gave real time search a home page and additional features, including inclusion in Google Alerts. Google Maps updated their map review guidelines. Google News made a design

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Previous Story: Google Says Using Google Translate Can Be Against Google's Webmaster Guidelines