As you know, Google has dropped its deadline to switch all sites to mobile-first indexing after missing its self-directed deadlines multiple times in the past. But John Mueller of Google said in a video on Friday that he is guessing that Google will finish up with the mobile-first indexing process by the first half of the year, so by July 2022?
John said at the 3:55 mark in the video "I don't know what the timeline is but my guess is towards the first half of next year, we will be migrating all of the remaining sites over [to mobile first indexing] and then you'd probably see that happen [his site move to mobile-first indexing]."
This was in response to someone saying that his site is ready for mobile-first indexing but has not yet been switched over. John basically responded that his site may be ready but they have not done a push of this in some time, but the next time they do it, he should see his site move over.
In May we reported that mobile first indexing switch was not done yet and then in March we reported that Google was going to migrate over the last batch of sites to mobile first indexing soon. This was after moving the mobile first indexing deadline from September 2020 to March 2021. Well, Google is still not done moving some sites to mobile-first indexing, even in the middle of December 2021.
This process started five years ago and is still not done - pretty amazing. In March 2020, Google said about 70% of sites have been moved but we have not had an update on that figure in a long time.
Here is the video embed:
Forum discussion at YouTube Community.