Google To Power Yahoo Japan: Here The FAQs

Jul 27, 2010 - 9:08 am 0 by
Filed Under Search News

Yahoo Japan to be Google PoweredTechmeme is buzzing about the news that Yahoo Japan has selected Google to power its search engine, as opposed to Bing, which is powering Yahoo here in the U.S.

I can honestly say, I am not surprised. Yahoo Japan had the option to go with Bing or someone else like Google and they picked Google. Back in the day, before Yahoo had their own search engine, Google powered Yahoo's search results (screen shot).

The Google Japan blog wrote about it and Yahoo Japan published a press release. Here is the translated text...


From 2004 to 2001, Yahoo Inc., Google was providing search engine. And, today announced that the technology was licensed to search again for Yahoo Inc. Based on this non-exclusive agreement, Yahoo Inc. (a subsidiary of Softbank, Yahoo has invested some) is, Google is the fastest in Japan, and confidence is the most advanced will be able to provide users with search technology. In addition, Yahoo Inc. auction, shopping and Answers and content to be added to the Google provides search results in Japanese. This is both more comprehensive services can increase the effect.

Yahoo Inc. Yahoo! JAPAN on the site, for users to fit their own, Google is able to provide customized search services Search service. This is the Yahoo! JAPAN which will look like on the site search service, including such things as how you can experience the user search. As a result, users Yahoo! JAPAN on the site, and Google will continue on the site is considered to be a different experience.

Google is also for Yahoo Inc. to provide search advertising delivery platform. In other words, Google's technology to provide search advertising for Yahoo Inc., will be the target and report back end support. Yahoo Inc. will perform the acquisition and development of advertising campaigns continue. The data for advertisers and advertising companies and are kept completely separate.

Both companies are independent operators as far as deploying search services and advertising services, without sharing information about customers and prices will continue to be actively competing in the Japanese market will continue. Through this transaction, also spurred innovation in advertising and search each other, but more restrictive conflict involving other companies, ultimately we hope to bring about better services for users and partners.

And the Yahoo release also has an image and a FAQs:


Q1: Google Does a partnership with a range where? A1: The deal is subject to the Web, images, video, mobile 4 in the area are limited to receiving the service delivery system search engine and search advertising.

Q2: Google rival and what happens? A2: Google is Yahoo! JAPAN offers a search engine for. However, Yahoo! JAPAN is for users to fit, YST / YSM as Yahoo! JAPAN tweak your own with our customized Google search services. This is the Yahoo! Japan will look like on the site of the search service which includes such things as how you can experience the user search. As a result, users Yahoo! Japan on the site, and Google will continue on the site is considered to be a different experience.  Google is also Yahoo! JAPAN to provide sponsored search results distribution system. In other words, Google's technology, Yahoo! JAPAN provide search advertising will be supported by the target and back-end reports. However, Yahoo! JAPAN will perform its own acquisition and development of advertising campaigns continue. The data of both advertisers and advertising, customer and price information will be retained search services available to completely separate.  Through the deal, spurring further innovation in advertising and search each other, we will compete, including areas other than the more restrictive the search service but also involving other companies.

Q3: duration of the contract, the right to update what's going on? A3: distribution system to provide search advertising search engine Yahoo! JAPAN term of the contract is received by the first two years after Yahoo! JAPAN will be automatically extended by two years but they refuse. If it is possible to update both sides agree about that later. In addition, Yahoo! JAPAN term contract offer from Google in the first two years the data will be updated in principle, then an additional two years. If both parties agree for a later, can be updated every two years.

Q4: Yahoo! JAPAN how to provide better data from what? A4: Google will collect data by robots now (crawling), but to the future, Yahoo! JAPAN to be provided directly from, and is reflected in faster search results page is updated, the freshness of the search Better search and up will be better used for your convenience.

Q5: The Future Yahoo! Inc. What is the relationship between changes in there? A5: This change is the only delivery system provides a search engine and search advertising, Yahoo! Inc. Is still in search services and other services Yahoo! JAPAN change is not a strategic partner. Capital will continue the current relationship.

Q6: What impact will a performance? A6: In the short term will probably not have much effect. In the long term, Yahoo! JAPAN things better and sponsored search services and search services will maximize sales.

Q7: What is the timing of when did you move? A7: as soon as possible, is now considering a more even distribution system to help move the search engine and search advertising.

Q8: Yahoo! Inc. Once you've completed the YST and switching YSM, Yahoo! JAPAN immediately stop what they can to support? A8: No, the distribution system search engine and search advertising in Japan to switch to Google, Yahoo! JAPAN is supported by the popularity of the search service will continue to operate YST YSM and continued development.

Q9: What would change in a user-friendly search service of the deal? A9: We will continue to provide support to our views that the current user interface, change your experience in particular. Yahoo! JAPAN is for users to fit, YST / YSM as Yahoo! JAPAN tweak your own with our customized Google search services. This is the Yahoo! JAPAN which will look like on the site search service, including such things as how you can experience the user search. As a result, users Yahoo! JAPAN on the site, and Google will continue on the site is considered to be a different experience.

Q10: What's Fair Trade Commission has been consulted on this matter? A10: The consultation and the Japanese Fair Trade Commission in advance, we have confirmed is unquestionable.

Q11: impact on competition in the Japanese search service? A11: Google and Yahoo! JAPAN even with the same search engine, Yahoo! JAPAN is able to provide customized search services, and to provide our own user interface as conventional We will. Thus, Google will compete with the situation and other competitors is not different in any way.

Q12: Yahoo! JAPAN formerly Yahoo! Inc. I have received offers from other search engines? A12: Yahoo! JAPAN transition to supplement the search engine directory search service, from March 2001 until May 1998 from the goo, then from May 2004 until April 2001 Google Orimashita by us.

Q13: Yahoo! JAPAN Softbank Mobile (SBM) that provides mobile search, the opportunity to change something in this case available? A13: No, Yahoo! JAPAN mobile search service, with mobile advertising, as in the past will provide the SBM.

Q14: Do you have a financial impact? A14: There is no profit impact significantly change the structure.

Q15: impact on advertising revenue? A15: The experience has changed the search advertising delivery system in the past, the impact could be minimal. We aim to maximize revenue and better services now taking this opportunity as well.

Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld and Google Blogoscoped Forums.


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