International and European Site Optimization

Dec 6, 2007 - 3:54 pm 2 by
Filed Under PubCon 2007

Kim Frederiksen - Addvisors - Case Study

Find an Edge - more business - better business - cheaper business

Case Study - VIP Properties - ppc was getting to expensive

8.7 millionaires in the world - 2.9 in NAmerica - 2.8 in Europe - 2.4 in Asia

Did research to show why it made sense to not only invest overseas, but in Vegas.

Showed the buying power they had. Weakening of the dollar was good for them.

Keyword: Las Veas High Rise Vegas Condominiums

Shows price per click for Us vs Denmark vs Russia

Lead prices compared and the CPL and CPA

Quality of traffic from overseas was actually BETTER and found that the overseas leads were spending more

Thomas Bindl - Refined Labs

Facts: Shows a map of Europe and an arrow to Germany. - 82.3 million people - GDP - #31400 - 52 million people online

Search Landscape - Google rules 75-90% and in Germany its 93%

shows some CPC numbers - the expensive categories are the same but are much lower

Language Barrier - shows some English vs Deutch (German) - special characters

Local - 11 million .de domains - credit cards are just getting popular - some legal requirements - German is highly rec'd

Michael Bonfils - SEM International - Cracking the Asian Riddle

Phase 1: assestment 1 - access the translated usability of your site 2 - analyze your competition 3 - research the asian market Phase 2: Planning 1 - Mapping your action Plan Ecommerce Japan -> Korea Branding China -> Japan 2 - Search engines 35% Google - 65% Yahoo (Google has better conversion) Baidu is about 60% in China 3 - translation and localization - make well localized keywords, adcopy, and landing pages - translators are NOT copywriters - Trust building is HUGE in Asia - Human face or mascots help - Monitor your local comps - be aware of what they are doing Phase 3: Implemetnation 1 Japan - Its easy - use google - challenge is the translation - reporting/analytics - google or other packages will work - include contact information - get a or .jp domain 2 China - Start with Google - Baidu - Implement Directly - has an implementation fee - only takes wire fee - no one there speaks english - Domains/Hosting - get your .cn domain - HOST in China - Reporting/Analycis - Yahoo and Baidu give NO impression results - Use Google for analytics 3 Korea - Go through Google, Yahoo - More complicated the BETTER - Koreans love complex - Domains and hosting - good luck, get a .kr

Gives many stats on Japan, China, and Korea

Andy Atkins-Krueger - Web Certain - It's Global

- has a blog that covers global search issues

- Lanauges and markets - The opportunity - there are a LOT in other countries - Which markets to enter? - Strengths/Weakness + Opportunies/Risks - Web Market analysis - feasiblity of raniking - internet audience - market size - Trans-optimisation 1. keyword research 2. glossary 3. translation 4. optimization - Usability isnt the same in every language - 30% off doesnt work in Polish - had to change it to "-30" - "city breaks" has no direct equivalent in most European languages - When to use local and when to use English in your campaign? - Long Tail outside English - shows 14 languages/countries compared for long tail - slide shows the shortest and longest tails - Short to Long: Romance, Scandanavian, English, German/Dutch - Plurals, prepositions, accents, alternate spellings, inflection, disaggregation

- Hosting - Local domain name is the way to go -how many use "pages from" - 15-40% - depends on sector & country - Organising your Campaign - shows a slide of countries and what the leading search engine is (Google is dominating) - Social networking is BIG in Europe - shows data from Comscore 2007 on some worldwide social networking stats

- Universal Search - different rollouts in different countries

Q: Will English become the language of the internet?

A: There are languages with many more speakers out there now. Speaker gives an example of how English is being used as part of other languages but with different meanings at times.

Q: Keyword research? Tools?

A: European - google keyword tool is the best. Google in Asia works as well. For Asia there isnt anything else on a grand level. They use Google and local people to assist.

Contributed by DaveR.


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