Tag Diagnostics & New Consent Management Setup In Google

Aug 29, 2024 - 7:21 am 0 by
Filed Under Web Analytics

Google Analytics

Google announced what it is calling "strengthen your first-party data strategy with new tools." These new tools are Tag Diagnostics and a new consent management setup within Google Ads, Google Analytics, and Tag Manager.

Tag Diagnostics

Here you can find notifications about potential measurement setup issues and how to fix them, such as:

  • If you need a conversion linker tag to connect your ad data to on-site conversion actions.
  • Where the Google Tag is missing on your site/pages.
  • If your Google Tag event and configuration commands are out of order

This gives you an at-a-glance view of your account health, alerting you to potential issues impacting your measurement and offering guidance on how to fix them. We are making it easier than ever to view your measurement readiness in one place, so you can better build and activate your first-party data, Google explained.

This is available now in all accounts globally.

Here is what it looks like:

Google Tag Diagnostics

Consent Management Setup

Google is launching a streamlined solution that integrates with many of Google's CMP Partners to streamline your consent banner and consent mode deployment. This integrated CMP setup streamlines consent banner creation and consent mode implementation directly within the Google tag user interface inside of Google Ads, Google Analytics, and Google Tag Manager, reducing friction and complexity.

The new integrated CMP setup provides:

  • In-Product Guidance: Clear instructions tailored to your specific setup.
  • CMP Integration: Seamlessly connect with a variety of CMP providers (listed below) or use our guided options.
  • Simplified Banner Installation: Implement your chosen banner manually or directly within the Google Tag Manager interface with a few clicks.

Fully-integrated CMPs are available from the following launch partners:

  • Cookiebot by Usercentrics
  • iubenda
  • Usercentrics

This is rolling out to all accounts globally over the next few weeks.

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