Michael Fink, the Google Search Console Product Manager, gave a 40 minute presentation yesterday at SMX Israel of the platform. In that presentation, towards the end, he asked the attendees to vote on some new features.
He first showed off the consolidated set idea and then said, here are five other ideas, which would you want the most.
The ideas included:
(A) A year of search query data
(B) More accurate error reporting
(C) Live server monitoring
(D) Alerts on ranking drops
(E) Make a Search Console App
(F) The Consolidated Set feature
Here is the slide from @frau_reichert:
The truth is, I picked A, I want more search query data. But most picked, out of A through E, the ranking drop alerts. But I think after most people saw how F, the consolidated set idea feature would work, most would want that.
Here is a poll, which would you want?
Forum discussion at Twitter.