Digg users love Google. (Digg top-user wannabes: take note!) From Bush's failure to Google's recent "SEO firm" acquisition, Google is all over the news.
Two weeks ago, one of the White House web editors added the word "failure" to George Bush's homepage. Previously, in what we know as an attempt in Google bombing, a search for "miserable failure" in Google would bring Bush's page up in the #1 result. Google fixed that at the end of January. The White House undid this once they put the word "failure" on his page, and Search Engine Land took note. The mistake brought this Digg finding to the front page. Oops. As of this writing, the "failure" reference to the White House page is gone. Shucks.
Around the same time as "failure" was rediscovered, Google launched 1-800-GOOG-411 , its free 411 service. This also got popular on Digg, and yesterday, Barry tried it for a naughty purpose: free prank calls
. Yeah, that was a popular Digg too until it was buried.
In other interesting news: How much does Google's CEO Eric Schmidt really make? Apparently, he only gets $1 . His personal security, however, cost the bulk of what he ended up pocketing: $532,755.
And then, last week, Google acquired DoubleClick , and consequently, now owns an SEO firm, Performics
. All of this is really disturbing
to Google's rivals, particularly Microsoft.
And on the social front, Li Evans, who contributed to the Search Engine Roundtable coverage of SES NY 2007, wrote a great guide about the variety of social media sites on the 'net . So if you choose not to Digg, you could always Reddit or use Netscape, among the 300 other social networks that Li highlights in different areas. (Okay, there are not that many!)
That brings me to my final point. Even though there are eleventy billion social networks and news sites on the Internet, for now, this still a Digg Digest. If you want the story to be covered here, make sure you Digg it. ;)