Weekly SearchBuzz RoundUp: 12/12/08 - Google Bans Itself, Yahoo's 301 Redirect Issues & Google's Economic Woes

Dec 12, 2008 - 11:14 am 0 by

search-buzz-roundup.gifI can't believe that there are less than 3 weeks till 2009. Insane, right?! I think so.

Google Expands AdSense for Domains = TEH SUCK People are really pissed that Google is expanding AdSense for domains which is coming at a cost -- poor quality and lots of money. Google is starting to look like a greedy company who doesn't give a damn about its community members. This can't be good.

Google's Economic Woes Still Seen in Alcohol Biddin but Why do they DisallowHorse Racing? To expand on the greedy mentality of the search giant, we see that Google lets you bid on hard liquor nowadays. Do you want a loan, Google?

But at the same time, Google is disallowing horse racing ads from running because they're a "poor match for AdWords." Really? Or is there something else that Google isn't telling us?

SearchWiki and Click Data May Be Counted Google is obviously going to be mum on the real answers to their ranking algorithm, but click data may be used, or perhaps we really don't know. However, Marissa Mayer suggests that SearchWiki data may be used for rankings in the future -- that is, if thousands of people vote down a site that sucks, I guess.

Google Bans Itself? Last night, numerous Google searches were not bringing up Google results. The thought is that Google may have banned itself for a short period of time. We're waiting for a Google representative to comment. In the meantime, I think it's cool!

Yahoo Fixes 301 Redirects It is unfortunate to spend so much time on 301 redirects and then find out that Yahoo search forgot to acknowledge them. However, a day later, we reported to you that it was a temporary inconvenience.

Google AdSense and AdWords Goodies Well, Google isn't the bad guy completely this week. Google is accepting applications to get AdSense integration in Google Analytics, though I ask why they need applications and can't just integrate it. I think it's because they are rolling it out to everyone later on, but it still confuses me.

Google is also considering an official AdWords forum blogroll and you can get your site added on it if you participate in the forum discussion. Come on, we want more votes for SERoundtable!

Google Tracking Ads via DoubleClick Google's DoubleClick acquisition is finally materializing to something, I suppose, with the DoubleClick ad tracking that we're observing. It's also possible that this impacted earnings this past weekend, but we're not 100% sure.

Googlebot, Go AWAY -- and Come Back Later Googlebot lives in the US. So do millions of internet surfers. How do you block US surfers and allow Googlebot in so that those foreign visitors can find you (but of course, not the US guys?) Some sites do need this! It's suggested that you implement a "JavaScript-based interstitial that verifies the IP address and otherwise blocks access to your site."

And what if your site is too busy for Googlebot? Return a 503 code so that it doesn't come to you during those times.

Google's Zeitgeist Released Facebook login is #3 in Google's Zeitgeist 2008, which is beyond me. Sarah Palin though -- she's #1. I can't question that one. In any event, Google finally released their most popular searches this year. Are you surprised?


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