Redefining The Customer

Mar 17, 2008 - 10:53 am 0 by

Jeffery Eisenberg

5 rules of marketing

1.Marketing has changed, it used to be delivering a lead, customer, that's changed.  In the past you could make promises they had nointention of delivering on.

However, trust is more likely to happen with other consumers.  People don't want to be overmarketed to.

2. Customers will control the conversation, not us.  People buy because they have confidence in the transaction.

Only 26% are actually satisfied with the transaction and FutureNow did a study of Top Retailers site (product page to Checkout).  There are a lot of stuff that Retailers don't do that they should (a bunch of stats were released).  In fact very few retailers didn't get back to them in 24 hours.

There is a gap between bring people to a site and doing right by the custor.  There's much more focus on bringing people to your site than pleasing them!

Think of brands that are successful, they are built on the experiences, the participation, not the transport to the site.

In other words, a click on your ad is just the beginning of a conversion process.

3.customers desire meaning experiences with your brand (via scent)

People can be broken down to 4 basic types based on Myers Briggs. Ads hace scent.

If people don't get what they want the click the back button more often.  Jeffrey asks if your site stinks (it should...smell, you know).

55% of all visitors leave your site after the first page because tey don't find what they want.

Most often the Retailers don't understand what the customer experience is.  If we take Giako, using the Gecco is good for the emotional type, works on TV, bit it falls apart online.

Need to rethink what the next logical step

Steps to optomizqtion 1. Does it work 2. Can I find it 3. Usability is good (motivation can overcome difficulty...if demand is high enough, like porno sites, usability van be bad and people will still buy). 4. Next step is intuitive. 5. I have the info people need and can I provide it in an appealing way t my customer.

You can't use technology to substitute for a lousy experience.

Take the 4 types of customers case study with a page that has 91% bounce rate.  In this case, having a search box (appealing to the competive type) next to kid titles, which interfeared.  There's a lot of low hanging fruit like that you can get by just looking at your site this way.

Questions 1. What Myers Brigs should you optmize for? A. Depending on how people express their needs they may be very diffferent and need a different response.

2. Can you provide an example of how you used this process? A. Eisenberg wanted to take that question offline.

3. How do you manage funnels? A. Funnels are immportant but it is what a customer does to qualify themselves not what you do, so much.

4. Why do we need we need a sales process if the customer is in control? A. The sales person is helping the customer and reduce friction. But if you reduce friction enough there will be less need for sales people and their role will become more about accountability. can we improve turn around time for advertisers? A this is an uncomfortable position to be in.  It's not about traffic.

6. Question on how to deal with aming long forms shorter. A. WebEX had a long form and we were able to restate the issue to one about leads.  Often, people have too many fields to fill out.

7. Is it better to focus on one of the 4 types or all of them?

A. First, the emotional types should be ealt with on the tip of the page whereas the logical and methodical who take in info slower on bottom.

Session provided by Marshall Sponder of The Analytics Guru in real time, please excuse any typos.


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