Remember when we were beta testing Google Payments? I have three different, detailed write ups with step by step screen captures of the whole process documented. You can read them at:
- Accepted by Google Base to Sell Through Google Payments
- Buying and Accepting Payments at Google Base
- Ratings & Reviews with Google Payments
It looks like Google may open up this PayPal competing program sometime this month. A DigitalPoint Forum thread has more details.
Google to Add Payments in EBay Threat, Analyst Says (Update3) June 9, 2006 16:43 EDT -- Google Inc., the most-used Internet search engine, will start an online payment system this month that will challenge EBay Inc.'s PayPal and let Google offer more targeted ads, an analyst wrote.
The article seems to be from Bloomberg, but the thread creator did not cite the source. The thread also has a link to a Forbes article on the topic. Estimated arrival date of GBuy - Google Payments is June 28th.
Forum discussion at DigitalPoint Forums.