Podcast Search

Feb 27, 2006 - 3:34 pm 0 by

Detlev Johnson is moderating this session. He describes how big podcasting will be...

Amanda Watlington from Searching for Profit is up first. - Podcasting is not really new, it is sound, portable, rss and tools to manage it. - Podcasting is not just about "time shifted radio". The podcast must be focused on the listener's interest (narrow casts). - Getting started -- Start by listening -- Experiment and Evaluate Podcasting - Podcasts are "bandwidth bandits" so be cautious - Optimizing Your Podcast -- Step 1: Optimize ID3 Tags (sound): Music files now have tags. ID3 include 39 pre defined frames including copyright, content type, dates, content info, size and so on. She shows how to do this in a program named "Audacity." -- Step 2: Optimize Web Page; give your podcast a good title, use a separate page for the podshow with links to it, have a separate landing pages for each new episode of your podshow, provide subscription information on every page, provide information on the shows schedule to attract subscribers, include a player for those who want to listen online, optimize SEO "scrub and rub" every page. -- Step 3: Optimize the Feeds; create and validate feeds. You can have someone manage your feeds, like feedburner and they will handle the compatibility issues. Or you have create multiple feeds per aggregator, which is complex (I personally use Feedburner). Tuning the feed for iTunes, iTunes feed is XML based on RSS 2.0 but has additional tags. itunes categories, itunes explicit, summary, author, keywords, owner, name, email, image and block. mRSS is XML based on RSS 2.0 but has additional tags that allow for more info about the media in the feed. Yahoo uses this feed format, it supports use of keywords. -- Step 4: Submissions of Feeds; Track and monitor your podcast submissions.

What's Next? - Measuring and Monetization

Ethan Fassett from Yahoo! Search Audio. - Yahoo! Podcast Beta, launched end of last year. - Yahoo felt they can improve on the deficiencies of the other podcast engines - Yahoo has a strong community base, can provide rich data to media files, with tagging and so on. - Community Matters; tagging; ratings, title, description, details and so on. - Podcast search are still evolving as a technology. - There is a disjunct between the jukebox software and online directories. Yahoo built in features to help by enabling people to subscribe to their jukebox. - Roughly 50% are listening to this on their own computers. - Publisher Tips -- Create and show notes, be specific -- Spell Check -- Create & use album art, we support iTunes tags and mRSS -- Make sure your ID3 tags match the episode information -- Use a duration -- RSS date format can be tricky - Product is still in beta, but they want to broaden the audience. They want more content, more consumption and personalization through "my media", publishers with new tools will bring new publishers, devices such as phones, tvs, psp, video and vidcasts, mixed media and mixcasts and monetization.

Daron Babin from WebmasterRadio.FM - He gives the who is WebmasterRadio.FM - Brings up the Barry Diller keynote live and podcasted keynote on WebmasterRadio.FM from this morning - He then talks about how his broadband grows exponentially - He recommends customizing ports for better tracking - File tagging; he used his SEO knowledge to optimize his feeds - It looks like he is building his own podcast search engine, but I am not 100% sure. Anyway... - Optimizing your feed is very very important - Detlev listens to podcasts on PSP, TiVo and so on, pretty cool - Reviews and comments are important - He shows the optimization he does on his site, live.



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