When I first asked Jim Lanzone to answer some questions for Cre8asite, I did not think it would be an ongoing thing. But he, as well as the Ask Jeeves team, has been very responsive to the questions the Cre8asite members have been posting. Also, note how Jim has changed his avatar from Bill Gates to this character. :)

I wonder what we can expect tomorrow.
Jim's new posts can be found here and here. Also, Rahul Lahiri, Jim's technical side, has been answering some questions.
Some good quotes:
Remember we have a unique search technology, so what works with GYM will not necessarily work with Ask. And we do not keep pages in our index simply for the sake of size. So keep at it, I'm sure we'll get you in there.
More? [referring to unique "AJ" features] Beyond Teoma, we've been at the forefront with so many products, from Smart Answers to Binoculars to MyJeeves to Zoom and Web Answers this past week. We even announced Desktop search first. I'm dyin' here.
First the blog comment spam one [referring to the nofollow link attribute tag announced by Google and Yahoo and MSN]. We are not in any rush to implement support for this one. Due to the fundamental difference of the Teoma technology from PageRank and PageRank-like technologies, we do not have the same vulnerability to this type of spam.
Another result of the need for simplicity has been a de-emphasis on the personification of the butler over the years.
So keep checking this thread for more Ask Jeeves goodies. Good, honest, wholesome feedback directly from a search engine executive.