Earlier this year, it was announced that the Google Video Store opened to the public, and with Larry Page's opening keynote... it was a big hit. Google, well known for organizing the worlds information, has demonstrated through services like Froogle and Google Local to combine other authoritative's website ratings from users rather than ofering their own technology to interact with users. However, with video.google.com, this would be a difficult task since it's so new to the Internet and the world. Therefore, if Google can't provide a simple form for me to give ratings and they are used to collecting data from the www, then I'm going to try giving my rating via this blog post for a video that I liked watching over the weekend.

Google Dance Tribute By Gambert.com 5 min 44 sec - Dec 31, 2005
A "Thanks to video.google.com" That Connects Cultures and Expressions
Reviewer: Nacho Hernandez (La Jolla, CA USA)
This video deeply allows the connection between cultures and expressions thanks to one of most recent products by Google Inc. through the new store on video.google.com. In the little time spent watching it makes me realize how we are all different but united at the same time with a common joy... dancing! Outstanding short video for those who have the new Video iPods.