So what does Googlebot look like? I have heard crazy stories that it resembles something like a scary sea monster, others have said you can't see it unless you have special decoder glasses and a fast internet connection. For the most part I believe thats a bunch of nonsense but some members at Cre8asite Forums are having some fun and trying to get to the truth of what a search spider looks like. They take a creative look at what we know about the known territory and existence of such the search engine spider creature and dive into what its others are saying about it.
Ammon Johns, quotes expertly that they are "powerful elemental entities that can be harnessed in a small container, and can cause insanity in those they torment." Yep, I would say thats about right in most cases. I have known a few SEO's and webmasters to go crazy in the pursuit of a spider from time to time.
Here is a reported picture of Googlebot as drawn by one of Google's own employees. Seems more like art to me.
For more discussion about what a search engine spider looks like navigate over to Cre8asite Forums.